St Helier ILB assists 8 people on moored yacht

On Tuesday 25 August at 10.26pm the St Helier ILB crew were paged to a moored yacht near St Aubins Fort with 8 people on board, one individual was feeling sick and requested to be taken ashore. With wind speeds gusting up to 40kts (Force 8) the ILB crew made their way across the bay to the casualty yacht.

After some conversations with the yacht's occupants it was decided to land them in St Aubins Harbour to awaiting coastguard and family members. The ILB crew then made their way back to St Helier and were back on station shortly before 1.00am

We would like to remind everyone to look at the weather forecast when making decisions about staying on a boat overnight and also to ensure you have enough life jackets and safety equipment onboard for everyone.

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