St Catherine's ILB assists kayakers

The St Catherine's crew were paged just after 6.30pm on Friday 8 May to assist two kayakers who had found themselves unable to make headway against the currents on the north coast. The pair had launched in a double kayak to enjoy some bank holiday fishing but were caught out by the currents which, as a result of the spring tide, were particularly strong.

The lifeboat was alongside the casualties within 15 minutes of launching and found the two kayakers tired and a little cold but otherwise unharmed. The crew and kayak were recovered onto the lifeboat and returned to Greve de Lecq where they were put ashore.

The lifeboat then returned to St Catherine's where the boat was disinfected, refuelled and prepared for the next launch.

Nigel Sweeny, Lifeboat Operations Manager for RNLI Jersey, said:

"This was a relatively straightforward rescue for our crew but it could have had a different outcome had conditions changed or the mobile phone the casualties were carrying not worked.

We would remind all those going to sea around our coast to be aware of tidal conditions and the weather forecast, to wear a lifejacket and suitable clothing and have a suitable means for raising the alarm such as a flare or VHF radio. Mobile phones are useful as a backup, but they are prone to water damage and there are parts of our coastline where there is no mobile reception." 


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