St Catherine's ILB launched to medical incident at Grève de Lecq

Just before 4PM the St Catherine’s Inshore Lifeboat was called out to a medical incident at Grève de Lecq where a 13 year boy had suffered a suspected broken leg.

The crew made their way round to Grève de Lecq to assist lifeguards, Fire Alpha Marine and paramedics. The Fire Service, lifeguards and paramedics were attending to the young boy when the lifeboat arrived and the crew stood by to assist. The boy was taken onboard Fire Alpha Marine and in to a waiting ambulance on the slip.

Once all the personnel were off the rocks, the lifeboat crew made their way back to the station and the boat was made ready for service.

  • St Catherines ILB Launched To Medical Incident At Greve
  • St Catherines ILB Launched To Medical Incident At Greve Image2
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